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Override a managed ruleset

You cannot edit managed rulesets, but you can customize its behavior by overriding it at deployment. When you override a ruleset, you specify changes to be executed on top of the default configuration. These changes take precedence over the ruleset's default behavior.

For example, if you want to test a ruleset before enforcing it, you may want to run a managed ruleset with all rules set to the log action instead of their default actions. To accomplish this, override the configured behavior of the managed ruleset so each rule uses the Log action.

Working with overrides

You can override a ruleset at three levels.

  • Ruleset overrides are for all rules in the specified rulesets.
  • Category overrides are for all rules tagged with a specific category. For example, use a category override to customize the Cloudflare Managed Ruleset so all rules in the WordPress category are set to Block. If multiple categories have overrides and if a given rule is in more than one of these categories, the category overrides order determines the behavior. For rules tagged with multiple overridden categories, the last category's overrides apply.
  • Rule overrides are for specific rules in a managed ruleset, referenced by their Rule ID.

To apply an override for a managed ruleset, execute the Update Ruleset operation on your root ruleset and specify the overrides in the action-parameters of the rule that executes your managed ruleset.

"overrides": {    "rulesets": [    {      "property-to-modify": "value",      "property-to-modify": "value"    }],    "catgegories": [    {      "property-to-modify": "value",      "property-to-modify": "value"    }],    "rules": [    {      "property-to-modify": "value",      "property-to-modify": "value"    }]}

Specific overrides take precedence over more general ones, and rule overrides take precedence over category overrides, which take precedence over ruleset overrides.

You can override the following rule properties:

  • action (block, challenge, log)
  • enabled (true|false)


The following PUT request deploys a managed ruleset from the root ruleset and adds a ruleset override to deploy the Log action for all rules in the managed ruleset.

curl -X PUT "{account_id}/rulesets/{root-ruleset-id}" --data '{    "description": "Managed rule behavior set to log action",    "rules": [{        "action": "execute",        "expression": " eq \"\"",        "action_parameters": {            "id": "{managedRulesetID}",            "overrides": {                "rulesets": [                    {                        "action": "log",                        "enabled": "true"                    }]            }        }    }]}'

For additional examples of configuring overrides, see workflow examples.